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PoetryFilm Parallax: NES Skagastrond, Iceland, 17 March 2016

PoetryFilm Parallax, NES Iceland, 17 March 2016.JPG

PoetryFilm Parallax

17 March 2016, 7pm

NES, Skagastrond, Iceland

A curated selection of 14 short film artworks, chosen for their alignment with poetic structures and experiences, and with the visual, verbal and aural languages of poetry in various forms.

Parallax is the apparent displacement, or difference in the apparent position, of a visual object, when viewed along different lines of sight. In his book Transcritique, the Japanese philosopher Kojin Karatani uses the word ‘parallax’ to describe Kant’s shifting between contradictory perspectives. Kant’s Antinomies of Reason are contradictory propositions, which seem valid from their own perspectives, but which cannot be simultaneously true. Kant argues alternately from one perspective, then from the other, and Karatani describes Kant’s approach as establishing a parallax between philosophical positions. Karatani asserts that parallax does not equate with negativity, but it does not negate negativity either. The basis of parallax is the positivity of both positions.

Slavoj Žižek argues that in Karatani’s concept of the parallax view, the observed difference is not simply subjective, but that the viewer’s change in perspective reflects an ontological shift in the object itself; “the subject’s gaze is always-already inscribed into the perceived object itself, in the guise of its ‘blind spot’, that which is ‘in the object more than the object itself’, the point from which the object itself returns the gaze” (Žižek, The Parallax View, 2006). “Sure, the picture is in my eye, but me, I am also in the picture” (Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, 1979).

Spirit of Place, Oliver Harrison

Twelve Hours of Daylight, Bridget Sutherland

It Started With a Murder, Susan Young

Liberté, Maciej Piatek

The Lost Reels, Matthew Humphreys

Everything Makes Love with the Silence, Hernan Talavera

Breathing, Guy Sherwin

Eye, Guy Sherwin

Our Bodies, Matt Mullins

Talking Skull, David Asher Brook

Constellations, Julian Scordato

Barattolo di Sale, PNEUMA

Growing Up, Eugeny Tsymbalyuk

Faster than Birds, Liliane Lijn

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